Total Value Locked$1.123b
Ethereum | $866.77m |
Gnosis | $105.74m |
Arbitrum | $56m |
Mode | $42.97m |
Polygon | $29.32m |
Base | $15.99m |
Avalanche | $4.05m |
Fraxtal | $1.82m |
Polygon zkEVM | $348,288 |
$66.58m | |
$18.63m | |
$9.15m | |
450 | |
$21.07m | |
$39.25m | |
Protocol Information
Balancer is a decentralized automated market maker (AMM) protocol built on Ethereum that represents a flexible building block for programmable liquidity.
Development Activity
(updated at 22/01/25)
Weekly commits: 160
Monthly commits: 896
Weekly developers: 23
Monthly developers: 33
Last commit: 11 hours ago (2025-01-22)
Token Information
Fees: Sum of all fees from Balancer V1,Balancer V2,Balancer V3
Revenue: Sum of all revenue from Balancer V1,Balancer V2,Balancer V3
Addresses: This only counts users that interact with protocol directly (so not through another contract, such as a dex aggregator), and only on arbitrum, avax, bsc, ethereum, xdai, optimism, polygon.