Pendle (PENDLE)
Total Value Locked$5.33b  .csv
Ethereum | $4.888b |
Mantle | $134.46m |
Base | $117.92m |
BSC | $114.66m |
Arbitrum | $74.59m |
OP Mainnet | $92,841 |
Avalanche | $64,083 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$187.54m | |
$425,851 |
Staked | $187.54m |
$18.38m | |
$28.62m | |
$26.24m | |
1,103 | |
$3.7m |
Protocol Information
Pendle Finance is a protocol that enables the trading of tokenized future yield on an AMM system.
Development Activity
(updated at 14/01/25)
Weekly commits: 9
Monthly commits: 12
Weekly developers: 4
Monthly developers: 6
Last commit: 14 days ago (2025-01-14)
TVL: V1 TVL counts the collateral backing the yield tokens and USDC in the pendle markets, plus staked OT liquidity, and SLP/JLP staked in masterchef. Staking TVL is just staked PENDLE on 0x07282F2CEEbD7a65451Fcd268b364300D9e6D7f5. Pool2 refers to the Pe,P pool on mainnet, and Pa,P pool on avax.
Fees: Yield
Revenue: Management + performance fees
Addresses: This only counts users that interact with protocol directly (so not through another contract, such as a dex aggregator), and only on arbitrum, avax, bsc, ethereum, xdai, optimism, polygon.