Tarot (TAROT)
Total Value Locked$7.79m  .csv
Base | $5.98m |
OP Mainnet | $740,131 |
Fantom | $586,810 |
BSC | $206,873 |
Arbitrum | $190,194 |
Linea | $55,417 |
Avalanche | $13,398 |
Scroll | $5,192 |
Kava | $3,123 |
ZKsync Era | $839.42 |
Ethereum | $428.3 |
Canto | $413.23 |
Polygon | $91.99 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$7.9m |
$7.9m | |
$11.51m | |
Protocol Information
Protocol users can deposit LP tokens in Tarot Vaults and receive Vault Tokens. The deposited LP tokens are then farmed and earned rewards are automatically converted to additional LP tokens and reinvested.
Forked from:Impermax Finance
Development Activity
(updated at 19/06/24)
Weekly commits: 10
Monthly commits: 10
Weekly developers: 1
Monthly developers: 1
Last commit: 7 months ago (2024-06-19)
Fees: Interest paid by borrowers
Revenue: Percentage of interest going to treasury