Token Allocation
Current: Insiders - 48.8%, Farming - 14.8%, Noncirculating - 23.7%, Airdrop - 12.8%
Final: Insiders - 55%, Farming - 13%, Noncirculating - 20.8%, Airdrop - 11.2%
- The emission and distribution details are based on the proposed and intended token emission and distribution for Goldfinch.
- The exact details might vary based on real-time decisions and governance.
- On January 11, 2021 (4 years ago) 16.91m gfi ($28.42m) of Community Treasury tokens were unlocked
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 14,240 gfi ($23,923) tokens per week from Contributors on January 12, 2022 (3 years ago)
- On January 12, 2022 (3 years ago) 9.14m gfi ($15.36m) of Senior Pool Liquidity Mining tokens were unlocked
- On January 12, 2022 (3 years ago) 3.43m gfi ($5.76m) of Auditors tokens were unlocked
- On January 12, 2022 (3 years ago) 3.43m gfi ($5.76m) of Borrowers tokens were unlocked
- On January 12, 2022 (3 years ago) 3.43m gfi ($5.76m) of Backer Staking tokens were unlocked
- On January 12, 2022 (3 years ago) 2.29m gfi ($3.84m) of Backer Pool Liquidity Mining tokens were unlocked
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 175,200 gfi ($294,336) tokens per week from Retroactive Liquidity Provider Distribution on January 12, 2022 (3 years ago)
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 65,710 gfi ($110,393) tokens per week from Flight Academy on January 12, 2022 (3 years ago)
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 184,000 gfi ($309,120) tokens per week from Early Liquidity Provider Program on January 12, 2022 (3 years ago)
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 207,400 gfi ($348,432) tokens per week from Early and Future Team on January 12, 2023 (2 years ago)
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 236,600 gfi ($397,488) tokens per week from Investors on January 12, 2023 (2 years ago)
- Linear unlock was increased from 0 gfi ($0) to 48,190 gfi ($80,959) tokens per week from Warbler Labs on January 12, 2023 (2 years ago)