Total Value Locked$3.955b
Ethereum | $3.424b |
Base | $530.96m |
Ink | $0 |
Polygon | $0 |
Fraxtal | $0 |
World Chain | $0 |
Scroll | $0 |
Arbitrum | $0 |
OP Mainnet | $0 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$2.353b |
$2.353b | |
$14.44m | |
$44.3m | |
Protocol Information
Morpho is an on-chain peer-to-peer layer on top of lending pools. Rates are seamlessly improved for borrowers and lenders while preserving the same guarantees.
Development Activity
(updated at 28/01/25)
Weekly commits: 22
Monthly commits: 420
Weekly developers: 6
Monthly developers: 24
Last commit: 19 hours ago (2025-01-28)
Token Information
Fees: Interest paid by borrowers
Revenue: Percentage of interest going to treasury