BenSwap (EBEN)
Total Value Locked$623,667Â Â .csv
SmartBCH | $613,998 |
BSC | $9,668 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$96,928 |
Staked | $96,928 |
Protocol Information
BenSwap. The #1 AMM and yield farm for dog lovers on BSC and smartBCH
Forked from:Uniswap V2
TVL: Factory address (0x8d973bAD782c1FFfd8FcC9d7579542BA7Dd0998D) is used to find the LP pairs on smartBCH and Factory address (0x4dC6048552e2DC6Eb1f82A783E859157d40FA193) is used to find the liquidity of the pairs on BSC. TVL is equal to the liquidity on both AMMs plus the extra staking balance and masterchef pools.