Protocol Information
CarbonSwap is a family of interconnected green, sustainability-focused DeFi & NFT products, including initially an automated market-making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) and a bi-directional ERC-to-ERC bridge (Omnibridge) between the Ethereum Mainnet and Energy Web Chain.
Forked from:Uniswap V2
Development Activity
(updated at 04/09/23)
Weekly commits: 1
Monthly commits: 1
Weekly developers: 1
Monthly developers: 1
Last commit: a year ago (2023-08-24)
TVL: Factory address (0x17854c8d5a41d5A89B275386E24B2F38FD0AfbDd) is used to find the LP pairs. TVL is equal to the liquidity on the AMM.