CherrySwap (CHE)
Total Value Locked$611,570Â Â .csv
OKTChain | $611,570 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$0 |
$3m |
Protocol Information
CherrySwap is the automatic market-making protocol based on OKExChain(OEC). It adopts the mechanism of Automatic Market Maker (AMM) and aims to achieve self-driven liquidity creation with diversified functions such as liquidity mining, IFO, NFT, lottery, and DAO, so as to provide participants with the maximum value bonus.
Forked from:Uniswap V2
TVL: Staking is the CHE staked on 0x9Ab8BCf67fE8d8D2aD27D42Ec2A0fD5C206DAE60, tvl is the liquidity on the exchange and the money locked on the pools that distribute CHE