Kromatika (KROM)
Total Value Locked$1.61m  .csv
Optimism | $1.59m |
Ethereum | $14,266 |
Arbitrum | $4,290 |
Polygon | $18.29 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$19,492 |
Staked | $19,492 |
$1.76m | |
$347,878 |
Development Activity
(updated at 17/12/24)
Weekly commits: 1
Monthly commits: 6
Weekly developers: 1
Monthly developers: 2
Last commit: 2 days ago (2024-12-17)
TVL: Kromatika handles Uniswap-v3 positions for their users who submit limit orders - TVL is amounts of tokens of each LP as well as KROM held by the contract to pay for fees