KyberSwap Elast...(KNC)
Total Value Locked$172,686Â Â .csv
Linea | $43,760 |
Scroll | $32,354 |
Optimism | $29,411 |
Arbitrum | $26,987 |
Polygon | $16,308 |
Avalanche | $9,343 |
Ethereum | $5,675 |
BSC | $5,445 |
Fantom | $2,450 |
Cronos | $954.62 |
Base | $0 |
$220,717 | |
$585.6 | |
$36.6 |
Protocol Information
KyberSwap is both a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator and a liquidity source with capital-efficient liquidity pools that earns fees for liquidity providers
Fees: Each pool can have different fees set from the following tires: 0.008%, 0.01%, 0.04%, 0.3% and 1%
Revenue: Currently 100% of the dao rewards (10% of the collected fees) goes to all voters (KNC stakers)